Matthew looked out from the window, staring off into the woods bordering the campus. The trees moved slowly in the wind, swaying back and forth, stretching out like they could reach out and caress the clouds. They seemed to almost be waving at him, trying to signal and call him.
He thought this was silly, but then again, he would have thought satyrs and shapeshifters were silly just a few weeks prior. He realized there was so much more of the world he had yet to discover. Not just because he was a freshman, but now as a Promethean! He couldn’t fathom what he didn’t know, and Professor Hausman’s warning of the woods intrigued him. Who knows? Maybe the trees were alive? Maybe they could get up out of the ground and walk when no one was looking. Maybe they could even fly…
His imagination took him out of his body, only to be immediately grounded back into his bed by Charlie’s kiss.
“Hey,” Charlie said with a smile, trying to steal his lover’s attention back. “Where’d you go?”
“Sorry. I’ve been distracted lately. I mean, I guess that’s pretty obvious. A lot going on.”
“That’s for sure… How did this all happen?”
Matthew looked at Charlie, seeing his sincerity in his eyes. He wanted to help him. To love and understand him. Matthew hadn’t thought about telling him, but now it seemed he had to.
“There are other creatures out there. Other beings — immortals.”
Charlie furrowed his brow, confused. “Immortals… Like, what? Vampires? Gods?”
“Satyrs. Maybe they’re gods, who knows. But… I had sex with a satyr.”
“When? I thought you were a virgin.”
“… I — I was.”
Charlie had thought that it was Matthew’s first time. He wasn’t sure how to feel, but he knew he needed to stay calm and strong. Matthew didn’t need to see his shock or surprise. He wanted to ask more questions, but he knew it was better to leave it alone for now.
The two held each other closely, not wanting to pry into the situation further, simply enjoying their blissful time alone.
Soon, they heard the rustle of activity in the hall outside their dorm room. In the excitement of the afternoon, they nearly forgot it was Homecoming! The school planned a bunch of activities, culminating in a large, bright bonfire. As much as Matthew and Charlie would have liked to stay in bed, they knew they couldn’t spend all of their free time fucking. Part of being in college means doing college things! And tonight, they were going to celebrate…
They put on their warmer clothes and went out to join the rest of their classmates. The evening air was crisp and filled with the orange-lit smoke of the large bonfire. It was surprisingly bright from the single source of light, but dark enough that Charlie and Matthew could steal kisses without anyone noticing.
They were handed drinks from some of the other boys they knew, making sure to keep it out of sight of any prying faculty eyes. The excitement in the air was infectious, it made them feel like they were living their best possible life. Everything seemed perfect! And for the first time in days, Matthew felt like he was getting the college experience he’d always imagined.
Matthew and Charlie held hands, feeling completely free and at ease. Matthew couldn’t believe he could be so lucky to have someone so special in his life. Someone who loved him for who he was, and was also willing to claim him as his. His heart pounded in his chest, overwhelmed with emotions. So overwhelmed, he did not notice the fur beginning to sprout on his ears…
Charlie looked at Matthew, eyes wide, giving Matthew the first sign something was awry.
“Matt… It’s happening…”
Matthew began to feel his skin buzzing, his body transforming just under the surface starting with bones, and then his muscles, shifting and moving to take the equine form with which he had become so familiar. He looked around, panicked, worried that the other students would see his horse-face features.
Luckily, Matthew’s change went unnoticed with the dark of the night and the obscuring effect of the fire light. Adrenaline took over and he quickly lifted up his hood and ran off. As he bolted back toward the dorms, Matthew’s body seemed to have athletic abilities he had never experienced before, leaving Charlie behind to try and keep up.
Charlie, a strong runner with natural athletic talent ran after him, but could not compete with Matthew’s horse-like speed!
Once he was in their room, Matthew felt parts of his body continue to shift and transform in a colt-like manner. His nose pushed forward, shooting electricity through his skull, exciting his body as his sense of smell became more intense. The smoke and beer from the bonfire seemed to find their way through the window of his room in order to remind him of the festivities he had just left behind.
It wasn’t fair! Why couldn’t he have this one thing? This one night? Why couldn’t he have his freshman experiences like everyone else?! He hated himself for putting Charlie in that position too. He knew he couldn’t control this, and now, he had no choice. He had to stay in his room. Be unseen. Remain unknown…
Just as Matthew was beginning to feel tears come into his eyes, he heard Charlie coming near. Matthew rushed to the door and locked it.
“Matt! Matt, let me in!”
“Go away, Charlie! I don’t want to see you right now. I don’t want to see anyone.”
“You have to let me in! Look, I want to be there for you… We can work through this!”
Matt looked at his reflection in the window, seeing his equine face staring back. The forest was aglow in the distance, lit from the bonfire’s light and the occasional headlights of cars on the road that passed near campus.
“That’s just it. I don’t think there is anything to work through. This is my life. And I don’t want it to be your burden. You should go to the bonfire and hang out with everyone else. I can’t be seen.”
“Of course your can! We just need to find out how to control it. What about that satyr? Maybe he knows how to help.”
This suggestion triggered a cascade of emotion for Matthew. “No! You don’t understand. There is no help! This is it… The only information I ever got from him was something about the forests. It’s useless!”
“… The forests?” Charlie continued. “What did he say?”
“Forest or forests, I can’t remember. Just told me to stay out for now, because of the creatures that live there, but it was vague and confusing. Why?”
Charlie paused. The forests. Of course, it made sense! Satyrs were forest dwellers in mythology. And if Matthew met one, it’s possible that’s where he might be…
Matthew heard Charlie step away from the door. He didn’t understand what had happened and what made him leave. He looked out the window, unsure of what to do or how to comfort himself or his new boyfriend. And just as he began to quietly cry, he saw Charlie… Running toward the forest.
It seemed like he had a snowball’s chance in hell to find a satyr, but Charlie wasn’t going to sit around like he was helpless. If the forest next to the campus was where magical creatures were to be found, Charlie was going to find one! Who knows? Maybe if he met one, it could lead him to Matthew’s satyr!
The moon was bright, giving Charlie just enough light to see the rocks and stones that crossed his path. But it soon became harder to see the deeper he went into the forest…
He slowed down, trying to get a sense of where he was. He could still see the red glow of the bonfire off in the distance, breaking up the blue moon light. He tried to keep his eyes on that warm color, knowing it would be the only guide on his way back.
He was scared, but he felt strangely compelled. It was easier to be brave because he wanted to do this for Matthew. He needed to find answers. He had to help in any way possible!
After a relatively short walk, he came across a moonlit clearing with a big tree at its edge. The ground felt different. He’d been used to the usual forest floor of twigs, leaves, and roots. But now, his feet made no sound…
The soft floor felt like a carpet, catching him softly with each foot step. It felt like moss, only with a deeper shag. He looked down, but the velvety forest floor did not reflect much of the light back to make clear what it was.
After a few steps, he noticed something peculiar — a fragrance… He now realized it had been filling his nostrils since he entered the perimeter of the forest, but suddenly it had gotten stronger with each move he made into the clearing. The moss seemed to be releasing the scent as it was pressed beneath him.
It was a beautiful, floral scent, one that seemed to excite his senses and make him hunger for more. It was intoxicating! The smell urged him on, it made him want to move more to let it fill his lungs. He walked further, following the carpeted floor. As if directed by this scent, he walked towards a spot in front of the tree. His vision blurred and his mind became fuzzy, but he was clear of one thing; he needed to go to the tree!
The air became thick with the fragrance, sending Charlie into a hypnotic state as he stepped forward. With his faculties impaired, he had no sense of the tentacles sneaking up through his footsteps, sprouting up from the impressions in the moss, imperceptibly following him toward his destination…
Charlie made his approach, completely relaxed and entranced by the foreign scent. He had forgotten the reason why he was there. He didn’t remember the bonfire, the satyr, or even Matthew. He was solely transfixed on the alluring aroma. He wanted more — he needed more!
Suddenly, he felt two long objects snake around his feet, caressing his ankles and stopping him in his tracks. He didn’t trip or fall. He simply stood in place, content; giving into the unseen force at his feet. The two long tentacles gripped him tightly before lifting him in the air, taking claim of the boy’s body!
The sense of being lifted took Charlie out of his placid state, making him aware that he was not entirely alone. He felt the sting of panic, trying to resist the tentacles, only just realizing that he had stumbled into some kind of a trap. Despite his struggle, the long powerful tentacles did not relent. They held firmly, twisting with ease around his legs and body, holding him even more securely than before.
Held in bondage and suspended in the air, he could not run or fight…
Charlie could see more of the tentacles sprouting up from the ground. They seemed to be acting as if they were part of one single organism. It was some form of plant-like creature. Without a doubt in his mind, he knew this thing had to be the scylla he’d learned about in Professor Housman’s class! He wondered if Matthew knew this was out here… Was this one of the creatures Matthew had encountered?
Suddenly he was thinking about Matthew… And then the bonfire! Maybe someone would be close enough to hear him. But before he could finally call out or scream, the aroma intensified and his head began swimming as he was further subdued…
As a tentacle found its way around his waist, it teased his belly before sliding down inside his pants. Charlie could feel his clothes being pulled on as his trousers loosened; tugged down and off as other tentacles ripped through the fabric, stripping him of his protection. The remains of his trousers fell down around his ankles, leaving him completely vulnerable to all manner of attacks and intrusions!
The crisp night air sent goosebumps over Charlie’s bare flesh, making the smooth muscular tentacled arms an unusual reprieve from the chill.
The scent of the florals and the taste of the slimy tentacles made his body react in an unusual way. It was like when he would taste Matthew’s cum, only far more powerful. He felt excited, energized, and, to his surprise, completely aroused!
His cock, which had grown hard in his pants earlier, was practically breaking his zipper to free itself while being groped. It was somehow bigger, throbbing like never before! His fingers began to tingle while his heart raced with an incomprehensible mix of fear, terror and excitement. What was happening? Why was he feeling this way?
The tentacles began to restrain him against the tree, filling his mouth with its invasive arms, and keeping him locked in its grip. They toyed and teased with his body, making him twist in a mixture of pleasure and resistance. His moans were muffled as he tasted the strange, slick objects writhing on his tongue as they exuded a warm wonderful gel. The taste, like the smell, was also oddly intoxicating.
Soon, the tentacles found a new way to invade him; sliding up his legs, around his hips, and working their way towards his genitals. He felt one slither around his balls, lurking back toward his hole, while another moved around the base of his shaft, stroking him in the manner he wished he could.
Once all of his clothes were removed, the scylla wasted no time in plugging up his mouth completely. As it leaked the intoxicating liquid down his throat, the sensation of fire shot through his body, exciting his senses and arousing his cock. His fear began to subside, overwhelmed by feelings of pleasure and delight. His vision narrowed, losing sight of anything beyond the web of plant arms.
He felt the tickle of a new large tentacle beneath him. The length, weight, and girth moved in muscular snake-like motions making its way between his ass cheeks until it found his hole. Once there, it began pulsing back and forth against his tight, virginal rosebud, teasing his flesh. It worked his body like a hand, massaging him as it warmed him up. He knew what was about to happen and a part of him knew he should be scared, but the scent of the moss and the taste of the liquid made him unable to resist. He wanted to be fucked. To be taken and to be consumed…
He closed his eyes. It felt so good — too good! He felt himself slip into a fantasy, imagining an eternity of being pleasured and fucked this way. It seemed like an answer to every desire he had ever had. He couldn’t tell if it was the mind-altering fragrance or if it was something deep within him. But within moments, it didn’t matter. The scylla’s tentacled arm returned pushing into him, stretching his tight hole!
With that, he let out a soft, but forceful whimper as he exhaled and his hole relaxed, feeling the monstrously thick tentacle make its way inside his anus.
His toes curled as a tentacle moved deeper inside him, squirming around and navigating his insides with a peculiar curiosity. It seemed to want to know him, to explore him, to find his sweet spots and push them! Charlie felt his cock grow even harder, wrapped in the wet grip of a massaging tentacle, while another tentacle simultaneously encased and sucked his erection with a mouth-like opening. The several tentacles worked in concert to stimulate the flow of his pre-cum like they were milking him for his nectar.
As the stretching continued to open him wider, the slick tentacle pushed into him further. Charlie moaned around the long arm filling his mouth, his muffled sound lost to the ruffling leaves of the forest floor and canopy.
Charlie’s was pressed hard against the rough surface of the tree, feeling it scratch against his smooth, strong back. Every time his muscles shifted or moved, he could feel the bark pressing into his flesh, keeping him in place. He was unable to resist the feel of the scylla’s manipulations. They seemed to be barely touching him, but yet he was pinned! His muscles were paralyzed such that he could not move from his position against the tree!
Suddenly, Charlie felt an emptiness. The thick muscular tentacle withdrew in one slick motion leaving him with a feeling of emptiness and desperation. He desperately wanted it to push back into him and stretch him open again. To fuck him hard and deep… He wanted it — he needed it!
He didn’t have to wait long! Another tentacle with a phallus-shaped end wound around the first, and the wrapped pair made their way back toward Charlie’s warmed up hole. The original tentacle slipped back in, soon followed by the second thick, fleshy tube pushed into him as he was double penetrated by the monstrous tentacles. It felt as if there was a small explosion in his brain as waves of pleasure and pain washed over his body.
Seconds later the tentacles found his prostate and had begun squeezing it like a stress ball. The tentacles working his front had milked him of copious amounts of precum several times, leaving a mixture of his own pre-cum and the slick goop on his rock hard cock.
His prostate was getting the pummeling of a lifetime as he felt himself edge closer to a mind-altering climax. The two tentacles expanded like muscles flexing, stretching him further as they expertly grabbed and squeezed his young prostate. Charlie was seeing stars as he moaned during his lengthy orgasm. He yelped as his load exploded from his nuts, dumping their contents through his engorged genitals, erupting as a geyser of cum from his cock in the most intense ball-twisting orgasm of his young life!
When Matthew saw Charlie run off into the woods, he knew he was headed towards danger. Professor Housman hadn’t explained what was in the forest, but the message was clear; do not go inside! He thought that maybe Charlie would be fine, since he wasn’t a Promethean. But he didn’t want to see Charlie in trouble. He pulled his hoodie up and shot out of their room, running off after him, hoping to keep him safe.
The moment he crossed into the forest he smelt the trace of something sweet and floral in the air, but he was unsure of what it could be. Something inside him connected with it, sensing that it was supernatural in nature. He felt mixed between wanting to avoid the lure, while also wanting to give into it. He pressed forward assuming that Charlie was likely just as fixated with it as he was. He followed the smell, using his enhanced sense of smell to trace its location. As he came to the clearing in the woods, he was stunned by what he saw!
He found Charlie, held against a tree, getting fucked from all sides by various dark green tentacles emerging from the ground. Matthew thought of the scylla from the mythology lectures and conversations with their professor immediately, realizing the tempting fragrance and the forest trap were connected.
The scent was stronger now, intensifying with each step he took. He wanted to reach out and do something, but he found himself mystified by the sight before him. His thoughts had become animalistic. He felt his already growing cock reach full mast, his heavy balls ached from the pressure as they filled with cum. He was undeniably turned on by seeing Charlie. He knew he would need to rescue him, but something took over his senses. He could only think of how hot it was! It was almost like the smell was a voice demanding that he watch. Instinctively his body followed the unspoken command as he moved himself closer, giving himself a better look at the scene beneath. He’d never seen Charlie like this! He couldn’t resist pulling out his big, superhuman cock, and stroking out a load of his own…